"Assistance in obtaining Italian Citizenship, Irish Citizenship and Greek Citizenship."
Choose your country.
Greece Greek Dual Citizenship
Ireland Irish Dual Citizenship
Italy Italian Dual Citizenship


Why Dual Citizenship?

As our society becomes more global and integrated, the value of Dual Citizenship and a second passport is increasing tremendously. With Dual Citizenship in Italy, Ireland, or Greece you can continue to enjoy the benefits and comforts of being an American Citizen, while gaining a whole new set of liberties.

Specifically, enjoy the opportunity to:

  1. Live, work, and travel freely in 27 European Union (EU) countries
  2. Reconnect with your cultural background and strengthen the fabric of your heritage
  3. Pass on the lifelong gift of Dual Citizenship to other members of your family
  4. Access financial investment rights (property, securities, etc.) available only to EU citizens
  5. Access medical benefits, including potentially free healthcare
  6. Access educational benefits, including potentially free higher education
  7. Leverage tax shelters and benefits
  8. Travel safer abroad

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